Using Fluid Player with React
Fluid Player works with React out of the box. To start using Fluid Player in your React project, you will need to:
- install Fluid Player using Yarn or NPM as outlined here; and
- import Fluid Player module and attach it to video element of your choosing.
You can see an example of how to integrate Fluid Player and React in the example bellow. This is a simplified example to get you going quickly. Follow React best practices on how to create reusable components depending on the needs of your project.
IMPORTANT: switching sources dynamically is not supported. You are required to redraw the component OR to recreate the Fluid Player instance to change sources or other player configuration.
@import "~fluid-player/src/css/fluidplayer.css";
import fluidPlayer from 'fluid-player'
import './App.css';
import {useEffect, useRef} from "react";
function App() {
let self = useRef(null);
let player = null;
useEffect(() => {
if (!player) {
player = fluidPlayer(self.current, {});
return (
<video ref={self}>
<source src=''
export default App;
Note: Safari does not support playback of .mkv files. To view this file type, consider using a different browser that supports the .mkv format.